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Cocktails in 30 seconds?
No problem with our kukki toaster 🔥 Simply put a frozen kukki in it and after about 30 seconds it's ready to serve!
✅ Ice cream and fresh fruit already included
✅ Vegan, gluten and lactose free
✅ Only natural ingredients
✅ IFS Higher Level certified
✅ Can be frozen for at least 12 months
14,1 % vol.
Cachaça, Limetten-Likör, Rohrzucker, Limettensaft, frische Limette und Eis.
Eis aus Trinkwasser, Limetten-Likör, Cachaça, Rohrzucker, Limettensaft aus Limettensaftkonzentrat und ein Stück frische Limette.
✅ Vegan und frei von Gluten
✅ Ohne Geschmacksverstärker
✅ Ohne künstliche Farbstoffe
✅ Ohne Konservierungsstoffe
14,1 % vol.
Weißer Rum, Limetten-Minz-Likör, Zitronensaft, Limettensaft, frische Minze und Eis.
Eis aus Trinkwasser, Limetten-Minz-Likör, weißer Rum, Zitronensaft aus Zitronensaftkonzentrat, Limettensaft aus Limettensaftkonzentrat, frische Minze.
✅ Vegan und frei von Gluten
✅ Ohne Geschmacksverstärker
✅ Ohne künstliche Farbstoffe
✅ Ohne Konservierungsstoffe
14,1 % vol.
Brauner Rum, Ananassaft, Limettensaft, Grenadinesirup, Sauerkirschsaft, frische Heidelbeeren und Eis.
Ananassaft aus Ananassaftkonzentrat, brauner Rum, Limettensaft aus Limettensaftkonzentrat, Grenadinesirup (Zucker, Sauerkirschsaft aus Sauerkirschsaftkonzentrat, Wasser, nat. Grenadinearoma), Eis aus Trinkwasser, Heidelbeeren in variablen Gewichtsanteilen.
✅ Vegan und frei von Gluten
✅ Ohne Geschmacksverstärker
✅ Ohne künstliche Farbstoffe
✅ Ohne Konservierungsstoffe
14,1 % vol.
Wodka, Ananassaft, Cranberrysaft, Pfirsichlikör, Orangensaft, frische Heidelbeeren und Eis.
Wodka, Eis aus Trinkwasser, Ananassaft aus Ananassaftkonzentrat, Cranberrysaft aus Cranberrysaftkonzentrat, Pfirsichlikör, Orangensaft aus Orangensaftkonzentrat, Heidelbeeren in variablen Gewichtsanteilen.
✅ Vegan und frei von Gluten
✅ Ohne Geschmacksverstärker
✅ Ohne künstliche Farbstoffe
✅ Ohne Konservierungsstoffe
8,0 % vol.
Fruchtwein, Maracujasirup, Maracujasaft, Limettensaft, frische Minze und Eis.
Fruchtwein 51 %, Eis aus Trinkwasser, Maracujasirup (Zucker, natürliches Maracujaaroma), Maracujasaftkonzentrat, Limettensaftkonzentrat, frische Minze. Enthält Sulfite.
✅ Vegan und frei von Gluten
✅ Ohne Geschmacksverstärker
✅ Ohne künstliche Farbstoffe
✅ Ohne Konservierungsstoffe
8,0 % vol.
Fruchtwein, Pink Grapefruitsaft, Zitronensaft, Orangensaft, natürliches Grapefruitaroma, Guarana-Extrakt, frische Grapefruit und Eis.
Fruchtwein 51 %, Eis aus Trinkwasser, Grapefruitsirup (Zucker, Pink Grapefruitsaftkonzentrat, Zitronensaftkonzentrat, Orangensaftkonzentrat, natürliches Grapefruitaroma, Guarana-Extrakt, schwarzes Karottensaftkonzentrat), färbendes Lebensmittel: Rote-Beete-Saftkonzentrat, frische Grapefruit. Enthält Sulfite.
✅ Vegan und frei von Gluten
✅ Ohne Geschmacksverstärker
✅ Ohne künstliche Farbstoffe
✅ Ohne Konservierungsstoffe
8,0 % vol.
Fruchtwein, Ananassaftkonzentrat, Kokossirup und Eis.
Fruchtwein 51 %, Eis aus Trinkwasser, Ananassaftkonzentrat, Kokossirup (Zucker, natürliches Kokosaroma). Enthält Sulfite.
✅ Vegan und frei von Gluten
✅ Ohne Geschmacksverstärker
✅ Ohne künstliche Farbstoffe
✅ Ohne Konservierungsstoffe
Companies that want to offer more than just boring drinks without much effort. Partners who have accepted the challenge of offering cocktails of consistently high quality beyond the classic bar. Hotel, catering, restaurant, cinema, beer garden, bowling alley or campsite. kukki is a true all-rounder.
Tonwerk event location in Dorfen
Tom and Andi - managing directors
"We were convinced relatively quickly because the taste is simply super cool and the quality is very, very great."Movie World - Noerdlingen
John - owner
"They were so good that we say we have to include them in our concept!"Too late - late in Berlin
Ali - owner
"You always have your doubts. You think - ok, everyone wants to try it. - But kukki hit it! I was surprised how good it tasted.”FRS Syltfähre
Axel - F&B Manager
„Ich habe immer zufriedene Gäste mit den kukki Cocktails“Bowling arena in Siegen
Jessica and Thomas
"Try it once, absolutely loved it and since then just kukki!"Adventure Golf in Aulendorf
Jonny and Simone - Founders
"Anyone who tries the first one will definitely want a second one."Dance School Desweemèr
Team Desweemèr
"We're not bartenders, so of course you have a super cool alternative so that we can quickly prepare something."Happy Döner Restaurant in Mainz
Sascha - Founder
"There are also a lot of temporary workers who do the cash register, so the recipes are never implemented properly. If we made cocktails here ourselves, it wouldn't work."Bottles Bar in Bayreuth
Andrew - owner
"If you can then have a cocktail that includes ice that stays fresh for half an hour to three quarters of an hour and tastes really good."Ambience & sea in Kuehlungsborn
Carlo - operations manager
"If someone has ordered and drunk that, they will definitely order a second one as well."Dave B. Taste Five in Berlin
Christopher - F&B Manager
“You convinced us and in the end we can convince our customers. That's the main thing!"Twin Cable in Beckum
Aaron - General Manager
"You don't need any skills other than operating the toaster, like driving a motor boat: it looks like a cool trick - and everyone likes it!"Bries Noordwijk
Clemens - F&B manager
"The taste was pretty good. I was so surprised he was that good. That was also the main reason why we took him.”Beach0741 Rooftopbar in Rottweil
Thomas - Managing Director
"It's perfect for up here. You have awesome cocktails that are quick to make. It's easy, it's clean."Beach bar in Maurik (NL)
Meis - Supervisor
"It's from Berlin and it's freshly made. They had to taste before they believed it was really good.”Kaamps7 beach bar on Sylt
Tim - operations manager
"We can't offer cocktails to 500-700 people. Let's stay with the gin and tonic, that's the highest of feelings. Well, and then you came. And now we have cocktails, 7 of them.”Summer at home in the Rheinpark in Düsseldorf
Martin - organizer
"Once people get a taste for it, they stick with it!"Erwin Hymer Museum
Thorsten - F&B Manager
"Ich brauche ein Cocktail, der schnell geht und schmeckt. Deswegen sagte Julian sofort: Da geht nur kukki."