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Continue shoppingThaw a kukki cocktail using your preferred method. As soon as the cocktail is liquid and the ice is still solid, shake vigorously upside down and then serve with a drinking straw.
Cocktails in 30 seconds? No problem with our kukki toaster!
Place a frozen kukki cocktail in the toaster. This switches on automatically. After about 30 seconds the kukki is ready to serve. Simply magical!
Find out more about the kukki toaster here or watch the installation video directly.
Thaw in a warm water bath for 3-4 minutes.
Defrosting times may vary due to varying outside temperatures and freezer temperatures. It's best to keep an eye on the bottles from time to time.
Depending on the power of your microwave, defrosting can take a different amount of time. It's best to test step by step to find out the ideal time and performance.
kukki toaster
Place a frozen kukki Cocktail in the Toaster. This turns on automatically. After about 30 seconds the kukki is ready to serve. Simply magical!
Make sure to keep the cold chain. After the delivery or your purchase, you should store the kukki in your freezer.
We have developed our “Toaster” for the special needs of the catering industry.
Don't worry, you don't necessarily need a kukki Toaster to enjoy our fantastic cocktails.
A warm water bath, the microwave and the sun aren't hot or fancy enough for you? Then you can treat yourself to the kukki toaster!
It doesn't matter too much, since it's just alcohol that's collected on your throat. You can just freeze it again. Note that once the kukki has completely thawed, it must not be refrozen, otherwise the bottle could burst.
Naturally! Please note, however, that there will be different thawing times depending on the outside temperature and the temperature of the freezer, which we cannot predict.
If you want to offer a lot of kukki cocktails at an event, we recommend using our kukki toaster. You can rent it from one of our rental service providers , buy it from a wholesaler or from our online shop.
Thaw in a warm water bath for 3-4 minutes.
Your kukki is ready when the ice cream is solid and the alcohol is liquid.
Shake the bottle upside down and then open it.
Pierce the ice with a drinking straw. Cheers!
Defrost in seconds in the kukki toaster.
Your kukki is ready when the ice cream is solid and the alcohol is liquid.
Shake the bottle upside down and then open it.
Pierce the ice with a straw. Cheers!
Find out more about the kukki toaster here or watch the installation video directly.
The trick is that only one person toasts and another person just prepares. In this way, a rhythm can be maintained that allows 120 kukki to be served in 10 minutes.
• 32A CEE connection for 6 toasters
• 16A CEE connection for 3 toasters
• Offer a maximum of 3-4 varieties
• 6 toasters = approx. 720 cocktails per hour
• 5 hour event = 3500 bottles