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lime + cane sugar
alcohol content
14.1% vol.
Cachaça, lime liqueur, lime juice, a piece of fresh lime, fine cane sugar and ice
Limette + Zitrone
14,1 % vol.
Weißer Rum, Limetten-Minz-Likör, Zitronensaft, Limettensaft, frische Minze und Eis
Ananas + Limette
El Presidente
14,1 % vol.
Brauner Rum, Ananassaft, Limettensaft, Grenadinesirup, Sauerkirschsaft, frische Heidelbeeren und Eis
Ananas + Cranberry
Sex on the Beach
14,1 % vol.
Wodka, Ananassaft, Cranberrysaft, Pfirsichlikör, Orangensaft, frische Heidelbeeren und Eis
Maracuja + Limette
Wild Passion Fruit
8,0 % vol.
Fruchtwein, Maracujasirup, Maracujasaft, Limettensaft, frische Minze und Eis
Grapefruit + Zitrone
Pink Grapefruit
8,0 % vol.
Fruchtwein, Pink Grapefruitsaft, Zitronensaft, Orangensaft, natürliches Grapefruitaroma, Guarana-Extrakt, frische Grapefruit und Eis
Ananas + Kokosnuss
8,0 % vol.
Fruchtwein, Ananassaftkonzentrat, Kokossirup und Eis
Hot Drinks
Zimt + Rotwein
Hot Glühwein
≈ 12,0 % vol.
Rotwein, Gewürz-Orangen Aroma mit Zimt- und Gewürznelken -Extrakt.
Apfel + Rum
Hot Spiced Apple
10,3 % vol.
Brauner Rum, Orangen-Likör, Apfelsaft mit Zimt- und Gewürznelken-Extrakt.
Limette + Rum
Hot Mojito
10,3 % vol.
Weißer Rum, Limetten-Minz-Likör, Zitronensaft, Limettensaft.
kukkis are made and bottled carefully and with a lot of love, partly by hand in our cocktail manufactory in Berlin / Wustermark. Only the best ingredients make it into a kukki cocktail ✌️
Wir bieten eine breite Palette an Geschmäckern, die alle mit hochwertigen Zutaten und frischen Säften zubereitet sind. Egal, ob du es fruchtig, herb oder klassisch magst – bei kukki Cocktail findest du deinen perfekten Drink, tiefgekühlt und immer frisch!
kukkis are made and bottled carefully and with a lot of love, partly by hand in our cocktail manufactory in Berlin / Wustermark. Only the best ingredients make it into a kukki cocktail and you can taste it!
kukkis are free from artificial colors and preservatives. Thanks to selected, fruity fresh ingredients, kukki simply taste fantastic and do not need any flavor enhancers. In addition, all our cocktails are free of lactose and gluten. They are also vegan.
Unfortunately, the physical implementation of a non-alcoholic cocktail as kukki is not as easy as with alcohol. At the moment there are no alcohol-free kukki cocktails.
Make sure to keep the cold chain. After the delivery or your purchase, you should store the kukki in your freezer.
Many juices and wines are not vegan because animal products are used as technical auxiliaries in their production.
For example, animal gelatine is often used to clarify juice, wine and the like to filter the drink.
Since no gelatine can be detected in the end product, it does not have to be labeled. With our product, the process of clarification with gelatine is omitted, which is why we also stand for vegan drinks, completely without animal additives.
Due to the alcohol content, kukkis are of course not suitable for pregnant women, children and young people under the age of 18. Not for driving, of course - don't drink & drive!